Welcome to Patrick's (slashdoom) portfolio - a showcase of network engineering, open-source design, and advocacy.

Welcome to my blog and portfolio site. I’m Patrick (aka Slashdoom), and this site is just to share some of my projects and I’m able to. Here, you’ll find a curated collection of my creative endeavors, ranging from coding projects to DIY crafts.

Netlify Status

A Simple Prometheus SLA Exporter

sla_exporter The GitHub repo can be found at: Prometheus exporter for SLA-like metrics. Currently supported are: cURL (http/https), DNS, Ping (ICMP) and TCPing. Similar in a lot of way to Blackbox Exporter, and honestly most people will probably be better served by this. This exporter was desgined to be a bit more basic as it was intended to be run on teleoperated forklifts and the operator stations for them.

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A Simple Docker Build Image for iPerf3

An iperf3 Docker Build for Network Performance and Bandwidth Testing Binaries and source code for the iperf3 project can be found at: Docker Hub: A GitHub repo with the Dockerfile can be found at: Run the Docker Image and Show the iperf3 Options docker run -it --rm -p 5201:5201 slashdoom/iperf3 --help Usage To test bandwidth between two containers, start a server (listener) and point a client container (initiator) at the server.

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A Simple Docker Image for Packet Captures

A simple Alpine Linux based Docker image with tcpdump for network troubleshooting and testing The man page for tcpdump: Docker Hub: A GitHub repo with the Dockerfile: Run the Docker Image and Show the tcpdump Options docker run -it --rm slashdoom/tcpdump --help Usage Packet capture another container to stdout: $ docker run -it --net container:[container name or ID] slashdoom/tcpdump [TCPDUMP OPTIONS] Packet capture another container to file:

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A Hugo Development Environment

Introduction As I’ve mentioned before, this site is built with Hugo as a static site generator. Hugo is great and if you follow the quickstart guide you’ll have a site up and running right quick. However, if you’re like me and you’re developing your own Hugo themes and want to keep your content in a separate repo because you post from multiple devices, etc. then you’ll need something a little more advanced.

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Using Ionicons in Hugo

Introduction Ionicons is a great icon set created by the Ionic team. Whereas a lot of sets have pulled back from including logos, Ionicons has a large set builtin, it’s MIT licensed, and looks great on web, Android and iOS. Because it supports both SVG and web font there are a lot of ways to use Ionicons in your project. This site uses Hugo so my goal is make Ionicons available both as a partial and shortcode without Javascript.

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Integrating the UpUp Service Worker into Hugo

Introduction We all love apps, right? They’re easy to use and at least in theory are verified and provided by a trusted source. But something about apps, in their current state, just doesn’t feel right to an open source enthusiast, does it? Sure, there’s F-Droid which is a great project and a handful of open source phones and/or phone OSes, yet, at the moment these target a pretty specialized audience.

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First Post!

Kia Ora, this is’s first post, how exciting!